March 2018

March is a hard month for my Creation Station as we combine 2 weeks of Book Fair with 2 weeks of PARCC testing.  This combination causes the Creation Station to be closed because the book fair is in its space and then we need a quieter space for the students that are testing.  Keeping this in mind, I’ve got a couple ideas that will fit perfectly.  Check out my ideas for this month, but be sure to check out my ideas from March 2017 as those are different activities for your MakerSpace.

Stack the Cups with No Hands:  This activity comes from and is an adaptation from the Stack the Cat’s Hat challenge.  In this challenge, students are given 10 plastic Solo type cups and are challenged to make a pyramid with a Lego Figure, or any other figurine, at the top without using their hands.  Straws and rubber bands are provided that may be used as tools.  You can also add string to this challenge if you wish.  Students may work by themselves or in groups to build the pyramid.  You can download my direction sheet here.  My hope is that the students will see that many of the items in our Creation Station can be used not only for creating and crafting, but also as tools.


Lego Flags:  This is an easy activity that requires only Legos.  The idea came to me from two blogs:  Homeschool Creations  and Momgineer Blog.  At Homeschool Creations the flag cards are used as a memory board or flag recognition game and at Momgineer she shows how her kid thought of making a couple flags out of Legos.  I decided to combine the two ideas and just have a handout of all the flags and challenge the students to try and create as many as they could.  I’m excited to see what they come up with.

From Momgineer

I hope these ideas help you get making this month.  Not as much as I normally post due to Book Fair and PARCC testing, but still a couple ideas to get you going.  Happy Making!

One thought on “March 2018

  1. Allison says:

    I love both ideas!! We built a Lego wall last spring, and I have found the kids do better when I give them a building challenge. I can’t wait to try the flag building activity.


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